1 The Crunch of Continents
Various earth-shattering events of the last two billion years: Scotland crashes into England; the UK drifts north through tropics; the nudge from Africa; the opening of the Atlantic
2 Ice Makes the Mountain Shapes of Today
Glaciers carved the shapes as we see them today.
The main rock types, in roughly geological order (oldest first)
3 Having a Gneiss Time
The Lewisian Gneiss, in the Outer Hebrides and Wester Ross; landscape of knock-and-lochan; a moment in the Malverns.
4 The Monsters of Torridon
Sandstone lands of Wester Ross; buried landscapes; the origin of our oxygen.
5 Quartzite
Beinn Eighe and the Grey Corries; the Moine Thrust
6 Grey for everyday wear: Schist in Scotland's central Highlands
The Mountains of Moine and the Dalradian; metamorphism, rocks cooked and crushed; shale to slate to schist
7 Greywacke and the ruggedness of Rhinog
How ocean-bottom sludge became the rock of the Rhinogs
8 Southern Uplands: shales and mud
More ocean sludge; the life and times of the graptolite; Charles Lapworth in Dobbs Linn.
9 All-terrain Lakeland
Volcanoes and slate, grey shale and granite; four different sorts of country but only one Lakeland
10 Red-hot flying avalanche: ignimbrites in Snowdonia
Various cataclysms above Llyn Idwal
11 Finding Fault
Faults, and a walk along one in particular, the Rossett Gill Fault of Lakeland
12 Andesite and Rhyolite
More volcanoes, at Ben Nevis and Glen Coe; collapsing cauldrons
13 Granite Lands
Cairngorms, Dartmoor, Arran, Mourne, Galloway � very different but all of them a bit grim; the cause of Tors
14 Being Intrusive: Dolerite
The Whin Sill in the north Pennines, Arthur�s Seat in Edinburgh and God vs Mr James Hutton
15 The Sands of Time
The Old Red Sandstone of the Brecon Beacons; the New Red Sandstone fails to make mountains
16 Mountain Limestone: Millstone Grit
Yorkshire and the Peak District; lime to grit to shale: the Yoredale Series
17 Gabbro lands: the Skye Cuillin
The Black Cuillin, and other effects of the opening Atlantic; the Tertiary Volcanic Province
18 Back to Basalt: Mull and the rest of Skye
Mull, and some more of Skye; a round-up of the red-hot rocks
19 A Two Hundred Million Year Walk over Dufton Pike
Breaking the Law of Superposition behind Dufton Pike, with a visit to the Great Whin Sill
My country, your country, further reading and more things to see; glossary